Monday 4 February 2008


Fondante Potatoes
65 lb potatoes, u
2 oz chopped parsley
1 lb margarine

Salt to season
4 qts stock

Peel and wash potatoes, place in greased baking trays, tree parts cover with stock and season. Cook in hot oven. Frequently brush with melted margarine to form a brown gloss on top. Sprinkle with chopped parsley when serving.

Sauté Potatoes
65 lb potatoes, unprepared

2 oz chopped parsley
3 lbs dripping - 1st class

Salt and pepper to taste

Peel and wash the potatoes, boiled or steamed till just cooked, cool and slice in ¼ " slices, lightly brown in hot shallow fat. Strain off, well season and sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.

Lyonnaise Potatoes
These are Sauté potatoes with 1 lb shredded cooked onions added.

Savoury Potatoes
65 lb potatoes, unprepared

2 lb grated cheese
1 lb onions

2 qts stock
2 oz chopped parsley

Salt and pepper to taste

Peel and wash potatoes, cut in slices, 1/8 " thickness. Peel and shred onions, mix well together and season. Place in greased baking trays, three quarts cover with stock. Sprinkle with grated cheese and cook in a hot over. Sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.
Note. The cheese in the potatoes is not popular and can if desired be left out, if this is done, cover potatoes with greaseproof paper, till nearly cooked, the remove paper to colour potatoes.

Mashed Potatoes
65 lb potatoes, unprepared
1 lb margarine
2 qts milk
Salt, pepper and nutmeg to taste

Peel and wash potatoes, place in containers, cover with cold water, add slat bring to boil, cook till tender, strain off, pass through masher or sieve, place on
warm part of stove, add margarine, seasoning and boiling milk, mix thoroughly, arrange neatly in serving dish.

Baked Jacket Potatoes
65 lb potatoes

Peel and wash potatoes, cut in strip ½ " square. Drain potatoes well, place in frying baskets. Carefully add to hot fat and cook till light golden colour, and remove from fat when fat is reheated. Return potatoes and finish cooking. Drain well and sprinkle with salt before serving.

Parmenter Potatoes

65 lb potatoes
3lbs dripping 1st class
2 oz chopped parsley
Salt and pepper and nutmeg to taste

Peel and wash potatoes and cut into ½ inch squares. Drain well and heat the dripping in a baking tray (sufficient to cover the bottom). When hot place in potatoes and season with salt, cook for 5 minutes, then place in a moderate oven to finish cooking and colour to a light brown. Strain well before serving.

Roast Potatoes
65 lb potatoes, unprepared

3 lbs dripping
2oz salt

Peel and wash potatoes. Heat the dripping, place in the potatoes and allow to colour lightly on top of stove. Place in hot oven to finish cooking to a golden brown. Baste frequently. Strain off the fat and season before serving.

Steamed potatoes
65 lb potatoes, unprepared

Peel and wash potatoes, season with salt and cook in a steamer for 20 minutes.

Steamed jacket potatoes
65 lb potatoes, unprepared

Scrub well and place in the steamer for 20 minutes.

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